Case Studies

Some Examples of Work

MRMC’s range of robotic systems and solutions are used by companies all over the world, with installations in nearly every continent. From motion control robotics, volumetric capture and broadcast solutions to automated product photography, our image capture solutions are at the cutting edge of robotics development. Below are just some of the client’s we’ve worked with and the systems they have implemented. Case studies categories include:

MRMC’s range of robotic systems and solutions are used by companies all over the world, with installations in nearly every continent.

Prestonwood Baptist Church Unlocks The Beauty Of Broadcast

With more than 59,000 members, Prestonwood Baptist Church chose to expand its broadcast services in 1999 under the banner of PowerPoint Ministries. This laid the groundwork for what would become a cornerstone of its outreach efforts, and in January 2024, Prestonwood's most recent upgrade was complete, featuring MRMC robotics in 15 of its 18 camera positions. In this indepth case study, Bryan Bailey, Director of Media at Prestonwood takes us on Prestonwood’s journey, discussing the decision to expand it robotics setup, and the impact this has had, particularly on the volunteers at the church.

The Kilden Theater and Concert Hall

Experience the cutting-edge Quiet Rail System-1 (QRS-1) by Mark Roberts Motion Control (MRMC) at Kilden Theater and Concert Hall, sponsored by Danmon. Witness the seamless integration of this robotic rail system with a camera dolly, tested during a concert recording by the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra. Join representatives from MRMC, Creative Technology, and Norsk Produksjon to explore the potential of the QRS-1 for enhancing live productions.

Gravity Media Choose AFC-180+ for Goodwood Festival of Speed

For the 2023 Festival of Speed, Gravity Media chose to use the MRMC AFC-180+ robotic heads to elevate the quality of the broadcast and deliver outstanding camera angles that would otherwise have been difficult or dangerous to capture.

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