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The Wireless MSA-20 and Ulti-Head

The Wireless MSA-20 and Ulti-Head

The MSA-20 Handwheels and the Ulti-Head make a powerful pair, giving users a very versatile, easy-to-use, fully repeatable and motion control remote head.
Now the pair have been improved even further by creating the world’s first WIRELESS remote and motion control head.
With an indoor range of up to 250 feet the wireless option adds even more freedom for the Director or DofP.
All the functions of running the Ulti-Head from the MSA-20 remain the same whether one runs in wireless or wired mode, making the system a perfect unit for remote head or repeating moves, including full control of focus and zoom functions.
For more information about the MSA-20 and Ulti-Head specifications, click here or contact us on

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