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The Talos visits the Middle East

The Talos visits the Middle East

The Talos is definitely clocking up it’s frequent flyer miles. As you have heard in previous newsletters, since the release of the rig it has been in use right across Europe. This past month saw the Talos make a trip to the sandy deserts of Egypt where it was used on six different locations including in a wheat field, orange grove and a busy construction site set in Cairo.
Motion Control Europe are enjoying all the benefits of the Talos including a lot more rental opportunities. The rig has proved to be extremely popular with production companies due to its compact, light-weight design, its speed of set up and ability to fit through a standard doorway. Alex De Heus from Motion Control Europe said, its light-weight design has also reduced shipping costs opening up an International market for the Talos to go anywhere in the world. It is not yet an inflatable rig, but I am sure Mark Roberts is working on one.
For more information on the Talos click here or contact us

 The Talos in the desert in Egypt

   The Talos in a wheat field in Egypt

The Talos on a construction site set in Egypt

The Talos in the studio being used with a T-Rex snorkel lens

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