The release of the Animoko Rig
The release of the Animoko Rig
Mark Roberts Motion Control is pleased to announce the completion and delivery of the first Animoko rig to La Cambre, the Belgian School of Visual Arts, for their Animation Department. (click here to visit the La Cambre website)
The Animoko rig was named by Kommer Kleijn, the VFX Cinematographer who came to us with the request and collaborated on the specification and design of the product, and as the name implies it is designed specifically for animation and table top shooting, where low cost and high precision are important but speed is not.
Precision though is kept sufficient for the 2K cameras used in this application by the high quality ballscrews mounted in the telescopic columns and the Harmonic gearboxes used. The rig runs from Flair software and of course can be expanded to include up to 32 axes of motion.
Another requirement that the school had was when not used the system be compact enough to fit through a door into a closet. Hence the Animoko can easily glide away using its floor castors.
For more information on the Animoko Rig contact