Andy Murray on High Speed 360 Rig for Jaguar Sponsored Wimbledon Spot
MRMC’s High Speed 360 rig was used to capture dynamic footage of Andy Murray for a new Jaguar commercial. To allow Andy the freedom to move and strike the ball for the required shots, a specially designed larger platform was built that allowed him to perform safely.
Creative agency Wing London turned to MRMC’s Rentals team when searching for the perfect solution for capturing their vision for a series of Jaguar Sponsored Wimbledon promotional films, featuring some of Britain’s top tennis stars – Andy Murray, Jo Konta and Kyle Edmund.
Shooting at 1,000fps, the camera travelled continuously around Andy capturing every detail of every movement. The entire spot was shot under a rain machine and to further enhance the dramatic effect, a light source mounted to the top of the system creating a powerful, dynamic look.
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