New Developments at MRMC
At MRMC we are proud of our major new product releases and concentrate so hard on them we often forget the significance of our many incremental feature additions and product upgrades that occur on a daily basis but may not be headline news or create a flurry of press releases. Recently we’ve been looking through our work over the past months and realised those small changes amounted to a lot, so we thought we’d list some. If you want more info on any of them just let us know:
- Developments and tests to make the Bolt High Speed rig 20% faster than before.
- Developing and Testing the new Version 6.0 of our Academy award winning motion control software.
- Turntable range increased from small to large, and most with speeds in excess of 100 degrees per second.
- Flair multi-controller created, allowing multiple motion control rigs to be controlled from a central source.
- Orbital XL rig created for super-sized e-commerce photography.
- Head and Flair Ethernet API created allowing any of our products to be controlled directly from 3rd party software.
- Improved or implemented interfacing to a number of 3rd party products, including DMX lighting controls, Dragonframe, 6-degrees-of-freedom joysticks, and various 3D tracking systems.
- Interfacing to Oculus Rift.
- Broadcast vertical columns for on-air moves.
- Etc. etc.
The list is long and lengthy, this is just a snapshot. With 6 full-time developers and several support engineers and freelancers, the development is rapid and ever-changing – so if you don’t immediately see what you need just ask.
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