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Automated Product Photography: Case Study – 10 Million Photos!

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Slovakian production company, Studio 727, were given an automated product photography project which involved taking over 10 million photos!
The objective was to photograph and catalogue Slovakian museum artefacts that were located in 55 locations throughout the country, for the purpose of giving on-line viewers the ability to see these relics in full 360-degree panoramic view.
Photography Studio with Robotic Arm taking photoThe scope of the project posted a logistical nightmare. Not only were there 55 locations that all needed visiting, there was also the entire gamut of museum artefacts, which came in all shapes and sizes. Then there were the museum buildings themselves, and all the issues of getting inside with the equipment and then actually setting up the shoots (lighting, backgrounds, equipment etc.).
The project also required that each artefact was photographed 144 times (4 elevations, with each level taking 36 photos), so that if needed they could be turned into 3D objects. With the task of taking 72,000 photos of each artefact 144 times, this meant Studio 727 had to come up with a solution to take 10 million photos!
Time was also a major factor. The project was funded by a government grant and the EU, and it had stringent time considerations attached. Factor in a time limit to an already complex and challenging undertaking, this compounded the vital importance of needing highly automated and sophisticated equipment to complete the project.

You can also check out the short case study video, which has some great highlights of the different robotics taking photos
To see our Orbital Automated Product Photography Rig, click here



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