Rig Model in Flair and V5 development
Rig Model in Flair and V5 development
Several major new developments have recently been added to Flair with more planned for the rest of the year. The first is the implementation of a 3D graphical model of the Milo within Flair. This allows the user to program in moves and view on-screen how the rig will perform those moves. The animated 3D model can show a perpective view from any direction or a camera view showing what the camera will see through the lens. Additionally the animated model move can be exported as an AVI or MPEG movie, therefore simple to email, showing what the rig will be doing or what the rig was doing on set. While a more advanced version of this facility is available within Pre-visualization packages like IKTRIX, this rig model allows for very straight-forward 3D viewing of moves within Flair to complement the existing pre-viz packages. It also has the added advantage of being an excellent Flair learning tool by allowing you to run Flair on a laptop and see the move executed without connecting to a full-sized rig. Moves can be run in complete safety even by complete novices! Also currently in development is version 5 of Flair which is currently undergoing a complete overhaul.