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*** S4 Stereoscopic 3D Stepper with Convergence ***

 *** S4 Stereoscopic 3D Stepper with Convergence ***

Shown here in a left frame and right frame position with a change of convergence

Mark Roberts Motion Control have taken the ever popular 3D Stereoscopic stepper to new heights and are pleased to offer the new S4. The S4 is an ideal unit for anyone shooting 3D Stereoscopic animation, to automatically move and trigger the camera to capture the left and right eye images. The S4 is the larger brother to the S3 released last year and includes an optional Convergence module. Some of the features of the S4 include stronger motor, gearbox and chassis for larger camera packages in any orientation, built in matte bar/focus rod holders, USB communication to animation software, control of both interocular distance (distance between left and right eye), and convergence (angle of view between left and right eye). The Convergence module clips on allowing the S4 to be used with or without it.
If you would like to have more information please email

Mark Roberts Motion Control Ltd.
Tel: +44-1342-838000

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