For maximum creative possibilities
Capture every angle through multi-axis motion that delivers dynamic and impressive camera movements. With its utmost precision and comfortable ease of use, the Studiobot robotic camera arm helps broadcasters optimise productions and establish virtual reality workflows. In addition, software and hardware features help keep costs down while benefiting from the most advanced technology for broadcast and content creation.
Capture every angle through multi-axis motion that delivers dynamic and impressive camera movements. With its utmost precision and comfortable ease of use, the Studiobot robotic camera arm helps broadcasters optimise productions and establish virtual reality workflows. In addition, software and hardware features help keep costs down while benefiting from the most advanced technology for broadcast and content creation.
The Range

Studio Robotics enhance your bottom line.
Developed to bring broadcast productions to a new level, the Studiobot range addresses today’s requirements for increased flexibility and consistent quality. The system allows you to seamlessly transition from static broadcast to creating interactive and dynamic content.

Driven with ROBOKAM Software
The StudioBot broadcast robotic camera system features a multitude of software functionalities. This software is a graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and editing shots, moves and playlists. It can be used simultaneously by up to four robotic camera systems. There are no programming skills needed. All movements can be created in this graphical interface.
The broadcast robotic camera system features a multitude of software functionalities. This software is a graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and editing shots, moves and playlists. It can be used simultaneously by up to four robotic camera systems. There are no programming skills needed. All movements can be created in this graphical interface.